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Achieve holistic healing with a psychic healer through Sakaso


If you’re in pain… If things help but don’t cure… If you’re stuck and way beyond frustrated, we understand. The list of disorders and diseases that tortured my existence for so many years is long. The broken relationships were hard. And the sense of missing something very important for my spirit, relentless. That is… Until it all changed. Until I met a psychic healer ‒ my wife Satomi. Until we used Sakaso to create deep holistic healing within my spirit, mind, and body.

And now that we’ve had the privilege of working with so many others to help them find healing, the pattern is clear.  Real healing, holistic healing, doesn’t come in a pill.  It comes from connecting with our authentic selves.  It’s about spiritual healing.  We have the power to make ourselves sick or to make ourselves well.  We stay sick because we have the power to block our own power.  But that entire process can be reversed.

My own worst enemy

It’s hard to say when things started going off the rails.  But the ugliness with which my siblings treated each other seemed to be their one true passion.  I desperately tried to always do the right thing.  Did I always succeed?  Of course not.  So, I hated myself for it. 

People project their own shadows onto others.  They accuse.  Some dark fantasy in my siblings’ minds about me always explained their own misery.  And they did it so often with me from such a young age, that at some point, I believed them. And I hated myself for it.

I had thoughts of suicide as a teenager.  I never made an attempt but my first deep depression ran for 8 years.  I “knew” there was something wrong with me.  And I hated myself for it.

I tried so hard for so long to fix it.  We all do.  And then we try harder.  Why doesn’t it work?

We get sick and struggle because of limiting beliefs in the subconscious mind

We’re all in this game of life.

But the problem is that that game is rigged.

The rules to the game… our personality traits, strengths and weaknesses, the things that make us who we are, are actually unseen beliefs in our subconscious mind.

This does a world of good… it’s the reason we can walk and talk and go about our day.  But sometimes, it goes wrong.  And so often it goes wrong when we’re young…

When I believed what my siblings said about me… when I believed “there is something very wrong with me,” I hated myself.

It became a limiting belief in my subconscious mind.  In other words, it became part of my worldview.  And it became part of my PTSD, depression, etc.

And in all the confusion, I added so many other limiting beliefs in my subconscious mind including: “I don’t trust myself or others”, “I’m sick”, and “I’m not worthy of…”

Over time, the stress caused by those and many other limiting beliefs was building, the effects began mounting, and as a result, my health began to suffer desperately.

I was beset by depression, deep anxiety, chronic stress, panic attacks, PTSD, fibromyalgia, crippling IBS, CFS, sarcoidosis, and much more.

What’s more, the only relationships I knew were toxic. And to top it off, my work environment was toxic.

So I tried to fix it.  And when that didn’t work, I tried harder and harder… Why the F^*# is it so hard???

For so many years I was stuck.  Frustrated beyond belief.

The thing is, we try with our conscious minds.  And that includes all our ideas, our problem solving, our willpower… everything we can think of.

But all that stuff put together only adds up to 5% of our mind power.

It’s hard to heal and become whole because the other 95% of all our mind power is in our subconscious mind.  And the subconscious mind completely controls our bodies.

And if those subconscious beliefs are working against us, it’s hard.

It’s hard because they are so powerful.  And it’s also hard because the subconscious mind controls our bodies, much of our thinking, and our behaviour.  So limiting subconscious beliefs create poor health, sabotage relationship, and more. 

This is how the game is rigged.  It’s an unfair fight.

Freeing yourself from subconscious limiting beliefs with a little guidance from a psychic healer is the key to holistic healing, spiritual healing

But I discovered that we can rewrite the rules to the game using a process my wife Satomi and I created called Sakaso.

With it, she used her skills as a psychic healer to discover what was holding me down… The exact limiting beliefs in my subconscious mind that were disempowering me. This was a huge deal.  I finally understood what the real problems were.  I mentioned what some of them were above but I didn’t know they were even there before Sakaso.

Then we shifted those subconscious beliefs using PSYCH-KⓇ. This changed everything because it allowed me to bring the other 95% of my mind on-side.

And then, as a life coach and counsellor, Satomi was there to support me through the crucial stage of changing the daily habits that kept those limiting beliefs in place.

It didn’t happen all at once, but step by step, I was able to change one limiting belief at a time into an empowering belief.

And gradually, I was able to break the spell.

I FINALLY figured out how to love myself, trust myself, and treat myself with respect.

I was FINALLY able to heal and become whole.

I was FINALLY able to simply be my authentic self.

I don’t know how to describe it other than as a miracle.  It’s true spiritual healing.  But it goes even further.  At the same time I was not only able to overcome all the psychological, emotional, and physical issues listed above but I was also even able to heal relationships and develop spiritually.

My life was transformed.

And Satomi and I have been able to work with others as they transform their lives too.

The secret to winning the game of life is within you.  All you need are the tools to take back your power.  Sakaso provides those tools.

The exact path I travelled to find healing is my own.  It’s unique for each one of us.  But, it is always limiting subconscious beliefs that are the key. And if we’re ready, each one of us can find our own way back to being whole… our own way back to our authentic selves… our own way home.

What is Sakaso?

Sakaso is a uniquely powerful holistic healing and life transformation modality.  And it’s the only one that covers all 3 of the essential steps for effective change.

So… what is Sakaso? Here’s a peek into how it works:

The 3 steps of the Sakaso system

Sakaso is the only system that covers all 3 of the essential steps for effective change.

  • STEP 1:  Diagnostic ReadingSatomi is a psychic healer.  As an Intuitive Empath, she feels what you feel.  What could be better for being understood?  She’s also a Clairvoyant and Medical Intuitive and all that allows her to get straight to the issue and find what’s really holding you down. This is so powerful because only once you know what the real cause is, can you fix it.

  • STEP 2:  Subconscious Shift: We use PSYCH-K®, and other tools to help you shift beliefs in your subconscious mind so they work for you instead of against you.

  1. STEP 3: Action and Support: This step takes the opportunity opened up by the subconscious shift and makes it reality. Changing the way we live by definition changes our life. But it does take courage so we’re here to support as life coaches and counselors.

Makes sense right? We think it’s kind of odd that there is NOTHING else like it anywhere.

Your first step to holistic healing

This is how to rewrite the rules.

This is how to heal your spirit and take back your power.

With Sakaso:

  • You can heal your spirit.  To achieve true healing it must be holistic.  And truly holistic healing must start with the source of who we are.  Even if it doesn’t feel like it right now, you really are an infinite and powerful spirit.  Spiritual healing allows you to reconnect with THE REAL YOU - your authentic self.  

  • You can heal your mind.  By reprogramming limiting beliefs in the subconscious mind, we learn to live as an expression of our authentic self and healing simply happens.  Psychologically and emotionally we heal, life habits change, relationships flower, and...

  • You can heal your body.  It all flows from spirit to mind to body.  Sometimes it’s subtle and gradual.  Other times it’s dramatic.

This is how to achieve true holistic healing with a psychic healer.

You can find out more by connecting with Paul & Satomi in a Free session.

Book now…

Satomi is such a connected, caring and kind person. I felt instantly at ease and her energy was truly real and helpful. She really understood me before I even said very much. I would highly recommend Sakaso Conscious Healing if you are looking for grounded conscious help with what ever is troubling you. She is a gifted reader and highly skilled energy healer. I am so thankful she came into my life.
— Gage Dierkes
I can’t even begin to explain how much your help meant to me...🙏🙏🙏❤️ Your healing method is extremely powerful..and it will help a lot of people. for OCD I struggled a lot..Now after Sakaso sessions I felt really incredible changes... actually I got a big freedom in my life...Thank you 🙏🙏
— Surya Deva
After the healing sessions, I’ve been happier and I don’t criticize myself for not being perfect any more. And I do notice that no bad things have been happening lately. Taking sessions from Paul and Satomi was one of the best investments I made.
The session was so powerful! I can’t believe it. With one session, I was able to change into a new me who I’d been wanting to be.
— Sumiko Sinnott
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