
Heal and transform your life with Sakaso

The session was so powerful! I can’t believe it. With one session, I was able to change into a new me who I’d been wanting to be.
— Sumiko Sinnott

Are you frustrated with being stuck in emotional, psychological, or physical pain?  Or is there just something missing in your life?

Antidepressants, pain meds, or alcohol aren’t a solution.  Trying harder and harder isn’t either.

There is another way.

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We don’t claim to be able to cure everything, but so much can be done to end suffering. So much that isn’t common knowledge.

So how?

Well... what if you could design your life?  The thing is you can.

The problem is that the whole game you’ve been playing so far has been rigged.

The rules to the game… your personality traits, strengths and weaknesses, the things that make you into you, are actually unseen programs running in your subconscious mind.  

This does a world of good for you… it’s the reason you can walk and talk and go about your day.  But sometimes, it goes wrong.

Think of how many talented kids have just one bad math teacher.  And then get a gut-punch with a bad mark. Too often that writes a new subconscious program… a new rule in their personal game of life… “I’m bad at math.”

In the same way, we can create other subconscious programs such as “I’m not worthy,” “I’m afraid others will judge me,” or “heart disease just runs in our family.” These things make us vulnerable and we end up suffering as a result.

And we spend so much of our lives trying so hard to fight those negative programs.  The reason it so rarely works is that 95% of all your mind power is in your subconscious mind.  You try to use your knowledge, your problem solving, and your willpower… all that stuff put together only adds up to 5% of your mind power.  This is how the game has been rigged. It’s an unfair fight.

But what if you could rewrite the rules by shifting your subconscious programs?  What if you could get access to that other 95% of your mind and bring it onside instead?  So you can finally start winning the game… and do things like end toxic stress, be confident, or even switch your genes into a healthy state.

The truth is that you are much more powerful than you think you are.

The secret to winning the game… to being healthy, fulfilled and living in abundance is within you.  All you need are the tools to take back your power.

Sakaso is a uniquely powerful system that gives you those tools. And it’s the only system that covers all 3 of the essential steps for effective change.

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The 3 steps of the Sakaso system

The Sakaso Healing & Transformation system (also called Sakaso) is the only one that covers all 3 of the essential steps for effective change.

Here’s how it works:

  • STEP 1:  Diagnostic ReadingSatomi is a psychic healer.  As an Intuitive Empath, she feels what you feel.  What could be better for being understood?  She’s also a Clairvoyant and Medical Intuitive and all that allows her to get straight to the issue and find what’s really holding you down. This is so powerful because only once you know what the real cause is, can you fix it.

  • STEP 2:  Subconscious Shift: We use PSYCH-K®, and other tools to help you shift beliefs in your subconscious mind so they work for you instead of against you. Think of what it would be like if what has been limiting you and keeping you stuck all this time, just went away? That’s what this means.

  • STEP 3: Action and Support: This step takes the opportunity opened up by the subconscious shift and makes it reality. Changing the way we live by definition changes our life. But it does take courage so we’re here to support as life coaches and counselors.

Makes sense right? We think it’s kind of odd that there is NOTHING else like it anywhere.

Rewrite the rules.  Take back your power.  Heal and transform your life.

You can find out more by connecting with Paul & Satomi in a Free Life Breakthrough session. Book now…

Since I was young I’ve suffered from an autoimmune disease and… I’ve missed so many days I’ve lost so much of my life and I’m now finally starting to get it back and I have Paul and Satomi to thank and I feel like I’m gonna start crying but thank you guys so much! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
— Shauna
I didn’t know what I could expect from my Sakaso sessions. For years I was in extreme pain from IBS. I had no energy and my income suffered. Medications didn’t work for me. But I just kept an open mind with Sakaso and somehow it worked! I really felt like I was listened to and you know Satomi just has a gift. I had no idea that it was my subconscious from some bad experiences and just little things about how I looked at life. At first the progress was hard to notice but now I’m like a whole new person. Happier than before I got sick. I’m so grateful and would recommend to anyone.
— Chris
After the healing sessions, I’ve been happier and I don’t criticize myself for not being perfect any more. And I do notice that no bad things have been happening lately. Taking sessions from Paul and Satomi was one of the best investments I made.