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FREE Life Breakthrough


If you’re stuck, sick or in pain, or not yet living in abundance, find out how our unique 3-step Sakaso system can heal and transform your life.  

Discover how Sakaso heals and transforms through: 

  • A diagnostic reading from an Intuitive Empath and Medical Intuitive

  • Opening up the door to a new you by shifting your subconscious beliefs

  • Going the distance with a transformative action plan and ongoing support


Psychic Readings


“She tells me what I need to hear, not what I want to hear, and that has made all the difference.“ — CHRIS

When you join Satomi for a Psychic Reading, she tunes in using her gift as an intuitive empath, clairvoyant psychic and medium so you can find your way.


Medical Intuitive Readings


Only once we know what the real cause is, can we heal the problem at its source.

The standard approach to medicine looks at the body not the human being.

But Satomi sees deeper.  As a medical intuitive, she gets you to the true cause so you can truly heal with Medical Intuitive Readings.


Mediumship Readings


There is so much that our ancestors can give...

Forgiveness, love, and understanding. Other times answers, closure, healing, or a sense of fulfillment, calm and happiness.

Connect with your loved ones in a Mediumship Reading with Satomi.


Sakaso Healing & Transformation


“Dark have been my dreams of late, but I feel as one new-awakened.” — Theoden, King

That’s what Sakaso healing and transformation feels like.  

Our powerful and unique 3-step Sakaso system can heal and transform your body, mind, and your life so you don’t need to be stuck with your suffering.

Find the true cause, fix it, and heal naturally… from within.


Distance Reiki


Sometimes things just don’t turn out.  When that happens, it’s time to get some Distance Reiki.

Distance Reiki is like B-12 for the Soul.  It just feels great! It’s also a terrific way to boost your immune system and fight off infection during cold and flu season!

Universal healing energy is infinite, timeless, and goes anywhere. The art of consciously connecting to Source and channeling this energy is called Reiki.

Naturally rejuvenate, heal, and create abundance in your life with Distance Reiki.