How many times did you smile today?


A smile can give the brain as much pleasure as 2000 chocolate bars! 😊

I was just reading an article… UK researchers found that one smile can be as pleasurable and stimulating as up to 2000 bars of chocolate! And you can’t ignore the fact that a smile doesn’t add any calories to your diet!! What a bonus!! More than a third of us smile more than 20 times per day. About 14% of us smile less than five times. And the most amazing ones of all are children who smile as many as 400 times per day! 😄😄  The researchers found that it took up to 16,000 pounds in cash to generate the same level of brain stimulation as one smile. It is $25,000 per smile!So $25,000 x 400… by just having smiles everyday like a child, we can feel like billionaires every fiscal quarter of the year. 😄I knew that smile is powerful. And I knew about the importance of smiling everyday. So I’m giving myself a challenge to smile in every opportunity and count how many times I smile per day. Now I know the real challenge is… to keep track of how many times I smile. I tried to count yesterday. I kept forgetting to do. 😅 It wasn’t easy. So I said to myself that I would count by 5s or 10s. It’s close enough. I’m not a researcher. I’m doing it for fun. So I did that today and still losing counts… lol. I’m guessing I smiled about 30 to 40 times today so far. It would be easy if I have a smile counter. 😊 But for now, I’m going to keep counting smiles without it.If anyone who would like to join me in this challenge, please join me! The more people join, the more smiles we have 😊😊😊 You can include smiles that you give to yourself, like looking at yourself in a mirror and smile. It is important that you give yourself a smile too!! So don’t forget to do that! 😊😊😊 Do as many times as you want ❤️So Ready Set Smile! 😄😊😄