Reprogram subconscious mind & achieve life goal success
If you strongly suspect that you have limiting subconscious programs either because of your life circumstances or because you've done some muscle testing, in this video we'll show you what to do about it.
The road to success is not a straight line
It’s frustrating not being successful achieving your life goals. That’s true whether you’re trying to find an ideal job, achieve financial success, or just simply get through the day. Lots of different subconscious programs can cause that. Today we're going to focus on anxiety because that's one of the biggest one and we're going to share 3 tips to reprogram your subconscious mind.
If you’ve tried and tried but suspect that limiting subconscious programs that are preventing you from achieving success in reaching your life goals, then we can help. The approach we use at Sakaso is a bit unconventional. But look at how many people stick to the conventional and don’t succeed. Everyone thinks that a straight line is the best way to achieve a goal. Not so. You can’t even get to the grocery store travelling a straight line! Our approach is completely different - it finds the right path for you (not standardized for everyone) and is inspired by intuition and backed up by science.
So, let’s dive into 3 unconventional but powerful tips to help you to start reprogramming your subconscious mind.
Tip 1: Calm negative emotions & bad moods with a breathing exercise
The video where we go into this is called: Calm emotions & bad moods with this breathing exercise (Breathing with the Earth: Emotional Grounding).
Negative emotions really get in the way of achieving success. They are exactly what you don’t want because when you are stuck with bad moods like frustration, anger, fear, depression, overwhelm, sadness, stress, and anxiety it hurts you in 2 ways. First, directly. Like if you are anxious, you can’t make good decisions or act effectively. Try negotiating a sale when you’re anxious! Being calm and confident is essential for success. Second, it hurts you because you are using the Law of Attraction (i.e. The Secret or the 13 Laws of Success in Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich) against yourself. Negative emotions attract negative outcomes.
That’s why we recommend using this really simple breathing technique to get through those bad days. Just breathing with the earth is one of the best methods for grounding and processing emotion. And a little self-improvement practice achieves that subconscious mind programming so you can stay that way (and for an even faster method, read below).
Tip 2: Reprogram your subconscious mind to be 10% happier with gratitude and the Law of Attraction
The video where we go into this is called: Reprogram your subconscious mind: 10% happier in 5 min.
For an easy method to reprogram your subconscious mind to be 10% happier in 5 minutes and use the Law of Attraction in a powerful new way, check out this mind reprogramming technique out.
Gratitude is powerful. And is especially powerful when used to be grateful for the opportunities that are provided to us in unwanted situations. This applies to any situations - for example, situations where we are feeling anxiety. Every situation provides an opportunity for us to learn to be our powerful authentic selves. And our authentic self is not anxious. Any situation where we are feeling anxiety, contains an opportunity for us to overcome that anxiety.
Believe it or not, it’s a secret holistic life hack that really works. Practice frees you from self limitations caused by self beliefs hidden in the sub-conscience.
Tip 3: When you use the Law of Attraction consciously to achieve your goals, there’s less life drama
The video where we go into this is called: Funny poo story! Less life drama with law of attraction (Poo and the Law of Attraction).
Sometimes it’s hard to connect to the reality of the Law of Attraction. In this video, we’ll show how it is ALWAYS working. Without even realizing it, we’re actually attracting everything into our lives. This includes what we don’t want - like life drama or other crap - like this funny true-life story about one of Paul’s adventures with the Law of Attraction!
Self-help is something we take very seriously but life happens and it can also be funny!
How test if you have a limiting subconscious program: self-muscle-test
And if you haven't had a chance to test whether you do have a limiting subconscious program then be sure to check out our video on How to do self muscle testing.
Many people want to use the Law of Attraction but are frustrated because they run into subconscious thoughts (subconscious programs) that prevent them reaching their goals. Self-muscle-testing can help you identify negative subconscious thinking (subconscious programs).
There’s much more where this came from
We’re always adding new content to this blog that will help you reprogram the subconscious mind so you can achieve success in reaching your life goals. The videos mentioned here are just a sample. Sometimes, the videos we create are directed at healing or relationships, but regardless of the goal it’s all a matter of freeing yourself from self limitation caused by self beliefs hidden in the subconscious mind. That’s right, the subconscious mind controls every aspect of our lives - from achieving success in reaching your life goals, to creating successful relationships, and health!
And if you’ve tried the above and want to learn about even more powerful methods, just book your free breakthrough session with us so you can take it to the next level.
And we’ll see you soon 😊