Simple & fast release of anger, resentment & negative emotions

In this video, we are sharing a simple, fast and yet powerful way to let go of anger, frustration, resentment, and other negative emotions.

Anger, resentment and negative emotions drain your energy and can create health problems

Do you feel any negative emotions toward some people in your life?  Your boss, partner, family member, friends, etc?

If you do, what's happening is that the anger or negative emotions that you are carrying is eating up your positive energy and feeding negative energy into you. You are in pain because of the negative emotions. You get headache or stomachache thinking about that person...  And It could turn into real health issues.

Anger, resentment, frustration, or any negative emotion blocks you from being your authentic self.  But instead, you want to release it and bring out your authentic powerful happy self.

Here is how…

How to release anger, resentment, and negativity - A fast and simple way

Grab a pen and paper.  Start writing down any negative feelings. Just let it out.  

Lots of negative words might come out. That's fine. Keep going. Keep going until you can’t write any more. You might feel that it's not right to say or write bad things about people. But put that thought aside and keep going. Those negative words are in you hiding somewhere. It's toxic. You don't want to keep it. So just do it. Until nothing more comes out.

Once you finish writing. Take that paper out and carefully burn it at a safe place. You can take the ashes to nature and give it to the earth or throw that into river.  Then, send gratitude.  Everything in life is an opportunity to learn and grow.  Tough stuff is no different.

This is amazingly powerful technique.  So give it a try and see.

Reprogram the subconscious mind to create happiness instead of negativity

The method we use in this video is an excellent method for freeing yourself from negative emotions.  It’s powerful.  And for some, it’s all they need.  For others, who want to heal from trauma or other strongly limiting subconscious thoughts, other approaches can be even more powerful by creating a permanent switch from negativity to happiness.

We all program our subconscious mind to create limiting self-beliefs. The subconscious thoughts are the source of those negative emotions.  So, sometimes to create a that permanent switch away from negativity, you want to remove its source.

If you would like to learn about more about how to reprogram the subconscious mind, check out this video where Satomi shares how to Reprogram your subconscious mind: 10% happier in 5 min and also stay tuned to our Sakaso blog because we’re always publishing more content, and subscribe to our Sakaso YouTube channel.  

See you soon 😃