Reprogram Subconscious Mind Part 2: Posture for confidence, self-esteem & success with the Law of Attraction
Today we're sharing a very simple way to reprogram the subconscious mind so you can take back control of your life and feel confident and be successful using the Law of Attraction. This is part two of the series, so check out other ones too!
Attracting success through the Law of Attraction using the subconscious mind to feel successful, confident and just feel good
Having a good posture is a very simple way to reprogram the subconscious mind so you can be confident, build self-esteem, feel successful, and just feel good. And this is a unique way to use the Law of Attraction. We know from the Law of Attraction that when you feel the way you want to be, it becomes a self-creating reality. So, if you feel successful, you attract more success.
As I mentioned in part one, 95% of what we do everyday is controlled by our subconscious mind.
Subconscious mind is amazing. But also, sometimes subconscious mind works too well. it can become a block toward what we want to do.
But when those blocks are all in subconscious mind. How can we access and make a change? In part one I shared one way: a smile exercise. It is very powerful. I do that everyday and I love it.
Now here is the second technique: posture.
Sounds weird? Don’t worry Paul thought so too until I walked him through it LOL. Now, he loves it!
When you are stressed, anxious, or not confident, you hunch over. On the other hand when you are confident, successful, and feeling good, you have your back straight.
Your body and your subconscious mind are linked in ways that are hard to imagine. Change a subconscious program, and it will affect your body. But the reverse is also true. Create a new habit with your body, and you will change subconscious programs.
So make a successful confident posture and then subconscious mind receives a signal. Hey this reaction is for when I am happy and confident. And your brain receives a signal too. And it start producing positive chemicals and hormones in the body. So having a good posture can access to your subconscious mind and change subconscious programs. It really works.
How to reprogram the subconscious mind for success through posture
Let's do it 😇
Sit or stand straight up.
Starting from your tail bone, focus on your posture, go up through your spine, stretch your back. Be tall. push your shoulders backward and stretch your chest.
Every time I do this, I do a nice big sigh. I have an instant release of tension. And I feel good. Things that were bothering me before become no big deal. I become more confident. It’s like an “Okay, I can do this” kind of thing. And of course that leads me to successfully finishing whatever I am doing.
Let's do it again.
How was it? did it feel good? If it did, congratulations! You did it. You successfully accessed your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind listened to you. Yay! It's that simple.
Do this as often as you can. So you can maintain communication with your subconscious mind and reprogram your subconscious thoughts for confidence, high self-esteem, and successfully use the Law of Attraction!
And if you are interested in even deeper work to reprogram your subconscious mind, we have powerful tools. So contact us at
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Going even further
Our goal is to help you free yourself from self limitation caused by self beliefs hidden in the subconscious mind. So we’re always adding new content to this blog so why not subscribe to our mailing list and get our Free ebook while you’re at it: Sakaso Life Tips (scroll down the home page a bit to sign up).
That’s right, the subconscious mind controls every aspect of our lives - from achieving success in reaching your life goals, to creating meaningful relationships, and health!
And if you’ve tried the above and want to learn about even more powerful methods, just book your free breakthrough session with us so you can take it to the next level.
And we’ll see you soon 😊