Anxious? Yoda's Wisdom Calms Fear, Worry and Stress

Tired of being anxious and worried all the time about what could go wrong?  In this video, we’ll show you how with Yoda's real world wisdom, you can beat anxiety and come back to being like your 4 year old self - the one who loves life and everything about it.

Unlearn and Free Yourself from Anxious Thoughts, Fear and Worry

Yoda has real-world wisdom that can create calm in our lives.  Anxious thoughts, fear, and worry can be devastating.  I know, I lived it for many years.  And struggled so hard to get out from under it.  But in this video, we share 8 tips based on Yoda’s wisdom that helped me and can do wonders to reduce anxiety and create calm and happiness in your life.  These are all completely natural remedies for anxiety including breathing exercises, meditation, muscle relaxation, social media anxiety hacks, self-empowerment, mindfulness, exercise, and of course Yoda’s wisdom.  Check out these real-world Jedi mind tips!

News Flash: Our Mind Is Not Our Friend

Whenever you’re worried or anxious about what could go wrong, your mind says it’s keeping you safe, but it is lying.  Instead of protecting you, it’s making you nearly helpless.  You’ve heard about being frozen with fear right?  If you tend toward being anxious like I was in a big way, you know exactly what I mean. 

So how do we fix our worries?  Yoda says: “You must unlearn what you have learned.”  This is huge.  And he is exactly right because we teach ourselves to be anxious.  With our imagination, we anticipate what might go wrong and then our mind and body thinks that POSSIBLE threat is real. But it isn’t.  It’s not real AT ALL.  We are lying to ourselves and in doing so robbing ourselves of truly living life!

Anxious Thoughts Become Limiting Subconscious Programs

Anything that we make into a habit becomes a subconscious programs.  The great majority of these are healthy and essential for living life.  Our ability to drive a car, walk or even talk are all examples of the power and masterful use of the subconscious mind.  

95% of your mind power is subconscious.  And over the course of our lives, we can get locked into a habit that anticipates and is afraid of bad things happening.  Reinforcing that fear by using that habit creates a subconscious program keeping us anxious.

Once the subconscious mind has a program, you have 2 options to change it: either create new habits like the 8 tips shared in this video (this usually takes time and effort), or you can reprogram the subconscious mind directly (this is much faster and easier - see links at the end of this article about this approach).

8 Jedi Mind-Tips to Unlearn Anxiety

Here’s how, with practice, you can reprogram your subconscious mind to end the prison sentence of anxious thoughts, worry and irrational fear ruling your life.

Tip 1: Don’t Watch the News, or TV or Video Games that Create Tension 

Doing these things just feeds you more fear and keeps the cycle going.  So, tip 1 is to slowly starve your habit. 

I completely understand the desire to stay informed.  That’s what the voice of anxiety keeps yelling in your ear all the time: “Watch out!  There could be danger!”

So, it’s actually not helpful to go for a complete blackout.  The first time you hear something negative happening, your anxious mind will kick you and say “You see?  I could have protected you!” 

So, instead, use an app and only scan news headlines and only scan a little deeper into those VERY FEW stories that directly affect you. And keep it to just 10 mins / day at most.

This way, you’re informed but you’re not feeding the monster.

Tip 2: Pay Attention to Your Words

Avoid saying things like “I'm anxious about the interview,” When you do this, it's like a math equation in your mind where “I = anxious.”  You don’t want that!  It's reinforcing the anxiety and tricking you into identifying with it.

Instead, change the wording to “I'll do my best.”  That's all we can do anyway.  Repeat it over and over.  Words are powerful.  You are always programming yourself with words, words of your own and words of others.  Choose words that give you power.  

Tip 3: Meditation

So much has been said and has been clearly demonstrated scientifically about the benefits of meditation for creating calm, peace and being centered that we don’t need to go into this here much.  But DO IT!  If you don’t do it now, start.  And if you are, then do it more and try different kinds.  Do it as much as you can.

Tip 4: Pay Attention to and Create Muscle Relaxation in Your Body 

Do you hold tension in your muscles at work?  I used to big time. There’s always that deadline to meet right?  So often there’s some kind of drama.

This is so simple though.  Just be aware of your body and intentionally relax.  Take regular mini-breaks any way you can.  Even just regularly shutting your eyes for 10 seconds and centering yourself in a muscle relaxation moment makes a world of difference.  

Tip 5: Breathing Exercises

Are you holding your breath?  Or are you doing shallow breathing?  It’s actually very common and a it’s also a big deal.  

So practice breathing exercises.  This can be as simple as breathing a little deeper and slower throughout the day.  Another example is 4-7-8 Breath - this one is a very effective way to reduce anxious thoughts. 

Tip 6: Exercise 

Just do it!  A fitness program is a very effective way of reprogramming your mind to reduce anxiety.  Especially if you combine it with meditation.  So, just choose the approach you prefer - yoga, jogging or hitting the gym.

Tip 7: Mindfulness

At the start of this article we talked a little bit about the mechanics of anxiety.  Basically, your mind imagines a possible threat that might happen in the future.  And then your mind and body think it’s real and tense up or even freeze.  But the future doesn’t even exist.  This is one of the great insights from mindfulness practice.  With practice, deep truth slowly becomes real for us that the future is not real.  That it doesn’t exist.  It’s a figment of our imagination.  Once we internalize this deep truth, and focus exclusively on the present moment, it becomes a subconscious program of it’s own and it negates anxious thought.  

Tip 8: Do or Do Not. There is No Try

When you have unlearned what you have learned, you’ve set the stage for the next step:  “Do or do not, there is no try.”  This is more deep wisdom that we get from Yoda.  

Don’t go for this one right away.  There’s too much momentum in your mind’s subconscious program driving it toward the habit of anxious, worried, and fearful thoughts.  But, practicing the above 7 tips prepares you for success.  

And the key here is a bit subtle.  If you are trying, if you are trying to be calm, then you are already taking the position that you are not calm, that you are anxious.  And you are then working hard to become calm.  

If you take that position, all that effort you are putting into trying will only result in you forever continuing to try.  You can never get there.  All your effort is put into “not being there.” That is the key to understanding this deep wisdom.  Simply do.  Simply make a habit.  If it fails the first 100 times, simply do it 101 times and then 102, etc.

But, There’s More...

Keep repeating all the tips. Anxiety is a limiting program in your subconscious mind that you have created in the past. You can create a new one. You have the power

These 8 tips are very effective but if you’ve practiced them all and you’re still anxious, then we have a very powerful method to reprogram the subconscious mind called Sakaso. 

Schedule a free session to get started