How to use the Law of Attraction, Subconscious & Muscle Testing to Create Health and Happiness
Is the Law of Attraction working for you or against you? This video will show you how you can check with muscle testing.
Our subconscious mind is always using the Law of Attraction and is creating the world as we know it
Paul: The Law of Attraction is an extremely powerful force that we can put to our advantage, but it can take us an extremely long time for us to get what we want.
Why is that?
Well it's actually because of subconscious programs that are working in our minds. By far, the greatest part of them are working for us but there are some that are actually working against us.
And they do that without us even knowing it.
The subconscious is far more powerful than the conscious mind
Paul: Everything that we think of as us as our identity is more or less actually what's going on in our mind. And that's just our conscious mind.
The funny thing is that the conscious mind actually comprises only five percent of what's going on in our minds. All the rest of what's going on in there (95%) is actually our subconscious mind. And by definition, we’re completely unaware of what is happening in the subconscious.
Satomi: Another way to look at it is to consider the sheer processing power. The conscious mind actually can process 40 bits of data per second.
Paul: That's pretty good.
Satomi: Yeah, it's pretty good right? But, on the other hand, the subconscious mind, is processing 40 million bits of data per second.
Paul: Yeah that’s amazing actually. Because that 40 bits per second that you get with your conscious mind, that's what’s solving all the problems. That's the brain power that's building all the bridges right? And it’s answering all those questions on Jeopardy. But the subconscious mind is going way beyond that and we don't even know about it.
Yeah this shows the tremendous power of the subconscious mind how much is going on that we don't even see.
Health psychology is critical for creating good health
Paul: And it's actually been scientifically proven that the mindset that you hold (positive or negative), has a tremendous impact on your ability to heal right? But those scientific studies are only looking at your conscious mind. They're not taking into account your subconscious.
And your subconscious mind is completely in control of what's going on in your body and it's not controlled by your conscious mind right? You don't think about healing, it just happens. You don't think about digestion, it just happens. That's your subconscious mind taking care of all that and you combine that with the tremendous power that it has, then you have a tremendous impact on your healing ability.
And of course some people are holding a positive mindset and trying and trying to heal better that way. But if the subconscious mind has other priorities then that could be a big problem.
Satomi: So for example, take someone who gets colds often. They consciously want to be well. But subconsciously may want care and attention from their partner that they get when they're sick. So they may consciously think positive thoughts and try to use the Law of Attraction to be healthy, but their subconscious is also using the Law of Attraction and then as usual it's winning.
Paul: So it's not that the Law of Attraction isn't working for us. It's always working. It's just that the conscious mind might be attracting one thing while the subconscious mind attracts another.
So how do we find out if our subconscious mind has programs that are working against us well fortunately our body has a built-in lie detector - muscle testing!
Muscle testing allows us to see hidden self limitation in the form of subconscious programs
Paul: So let's dig into this a little bit. I will tell you all day long that I want to be 100% healthy right? Who doesn't? And it's known that to have a strong immune system, part of the thing that you need to do is to work out regularly and be fit right?
So I've got to regularly exercise to be fit. And I love to exercise.
But here's the deal - every couple of months I decide that I'm going to recommit. I'm really going to do it this time! I'm going to exercise regularly! I'm really going to do it! But then, you know, after a couple of days something happens and I just don't.
Satomi: Yeah, yeah and you're not lazy! When you commit you really commit. So, it's something else.
Paul: Yeah first of all, I'm really glad you said that on camera: “I'm not lazy!” [laugher]
Satomi: [laughter]
Paul: And I can be really committed to stuff. So what's the deal?
Demonstration of muscle testing to find subconscious limiting self beliefs interfering with Paul’s workout motivation
Satomi: Let's muscle test and see what is really going on okay?
Paul: Okay.
Satomi: Okay, are you in [testing] position?
Paul: Yeah, and the statement is “I'm committed and motivated to exercise every day.” Yeah, yeah something like that.
Satomi: Okay, so let's do it. Go ahead.
Paul: “I am committed and motivated to exercise every day.”
Satomi: [muscle tested Paul’s arm]
Paul: Uh, that was weak [this means that Paul’s subconscious knows he’s not telling the truth]! What's going on? What happened there? I mean, I commit to these exercise programs. You know me right? And I work hard at them. I know they do fall apart.
The thing is, I even have a reminder on my phone that goes off every single day to remind me to exercise, but it doesn't happen. So I guess there's something else going on.
Satomi: Yeah, something's hiding in your subconscious mind.
Paul: Something I'm not aware of. Yeah, something hiding in my subconscious mind that's interfering.
Satomi: Okay, so let's try another statement: “Taking time away from work for fitness every day, allows me to be more productive.”
Paul: Okay yeah, that sounds great. Because it’s probably work that's getting in the way.
Satomi: Okay so let’s muscle test.
Paul: Okay here we go.
Satomi: Okay, you got the statement?
Paul: Yeah, “Taking time away from work to exercise every day allows me to be more productive”
Satomi: [muscle tested Paul’s arm]
Paul: That was seriously weak! It dropped like a stone! Okay, so we found something here.
Satomi: Yes, by muscle testing.
Paul: So what's happening is that consciously I want to exercise, but subconsciously I'm driven to work instead. I don't want to interrupt my work, because I feel like I'm going to get less done if I take the time to exercise.
Satomi: So there's a conflict happening here between conscious mind and subconscious mind.
The next step is to let go of subconscious limiting self beliefs
Satomi: Finding a limiting subconscious program is a very important step to getting the Law of Attraction to work for you. And with muscle testing, you can do that.
Paul: But it's important to remember that even though muscle testing is a critical part in finding those subconscious programs, it's a way that you actually change them. If changing them to a different program is something that interests you, then just reach out to us through our website. We have a powerful program called Sakaso that helps you with that.
Satomi: But now we’ve found these limiting subconscious programs in Paul we can use Sakaso to shift his subconscious mind, so he can attract what he wants in life. Like fitness and better health without sacrificing his work productivity.
Stay tuned for updates on Paul’s progress with this workout motivation and workout routine
Satomi: We’ll post more videos on his progress, so check the YouTube card and the description below for updates.
Paul: So what would you like to learn about muscle testing? Would you like to learn more about the science behind it, or would you like to see more examples of applying it. Let us know in the comments below.
And to learn more about muscle testing and how it can help you get more life out of life then be sure to subscribe to our Sakaso YouTube channel and we'll see you soon bye-bye.
Paul: [to a cute audience of hikers passing by] Hello.
Satomi: [to cute audience] Hello
Cute audience: What’s your YouTuber name?
Paul: Our YouTuber channel? Sakaso.
Cute audience: What do you guys film about?
Paul: We film about how to be healthy and stuff like that. Yeah 😊