Light up with happiness by letting go of discomfort
If you want to let go of what’s getting you down then watch this video.
Self care time!
Good morning, good afternoon everyone! Thank you for joining us today 😊
I want to focus on something that makes you feel uncomfortable, frustrated or feel tension in your body. Today, we’ll focus on how to deal with it, hopefully get rid of it, or at least feel better about it.
2 min Smiling and Breathing Exercise to let go and feel happier
So pick one situation or person that makes you uncomfortable. So mine is energy that makes me feel uncomfortable.
Let’s start by doing a self-check. Close your eyes if you want and think about the situation and think about the person. Check how you are feeling right now. Check to see if you have tension in your body. Remember where you have tension and how strong the tension is. You might see colors like a dark green or red or black - I don't know. And if you see color, remember those colors. I'm gonna do that for myself too.
Okay, so I feel tension here [in the shoulders]. And I see very dark green and heavy colors. So that's my start point. We’ll see what happens after a few exercises.
So let's start with a smile exercise to loosen up face muscles. Just make a big smile! Breathe in and force yourself to make a big smile. Hold it for a moment. And then relax as you breathe out.
One more time. Just send yourself the sign that you're smiling as you breathe in, smile, hold, and then feel relaxed.
And one more time. Big smile... the biggest smile you can make!
Okay it feels a little better 😊
5 min Exercise of Sending Gratitude to let go and be happy
The next one is the main exercise. This one is about sending gratitude for five minutes.
Just quiet your mind. And then picture what causes discomfort and then send gratitude toward that situation or person. Instead of pushing that person or situation away, you can invite it/them in and then send gratitude. You can just say “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Or you can be specific “I'm saying thank you for being in my life, and thank you for giving me lessons.” The details in how you want to do it are flexible but you can but just keep sending gratitude for five minutes. At the beginning it might be hard, but it's okay. You're just gonna keep sending gratitude. Everybody looks ready, so let's start.
[5 mins later] Okay, we can slowly come back now. Let's check ourselves. Imagine a situation where you’re with that person and see how you feel.
Check your body again to see if there's any tension. Or if you see any colors, what color is it?
So for myself, I said it was dark green almost black color before, but now it's lighter. And the tension in my shoulders feels like it's almost gone! That's great! I don't know what you guys experienced.
Let’s check in with some event participants - how do they feel afterwards?
Participant 1: [At first,] I saw red like a fire, but now it's light. All the tensions the same [as you] on the shoulders but now it's light! And the interesting part is that when I was thinking about this person and I sent the gratitude and said “Thank you.” I started to see him, his brother, his mom - I saw the entire family.
Satomi: Oh wow.
Participant 1: And then it's like an energy going and going around everybody and embrace everybody
Satomi: Wow, wow it's very powerful. You know how to do it. That's, that's amazing. Thank you for sharing. You are awesome.
Participant 2: At the beginning, I sort of noticed like a like a bright orange color and that's gone lighter. It's like sort of like a pinky color now. And I can feel like tension in my throat and that's like opened up. It's not completely gone yet, but it's it's partially gone. Yeah.
Satomi: Good! You’re having a communication struggle. It's scientifically proven that if you send gratitude daily, it brings both physical mental health. Why not just do it?!
Psychic card reading for write-in question
Satomi uses her intuitive empath gift to do individual psychic readings for participants when they have specific questions
I got a couple questions so the question was “Should I pursue other job opportunities? I was [sending] applications in september but that means something brand new to me and out of my comfort zone so should I go for it or stay where I am for the time being?” So that's the question.
I'm getting overwhelmed here. There’s a lot going on for you. Once in a while, I love using a card. And this deck (Oracle of Visions Cards by Ciro Marchetti) has such beautiful art. And each card has so much energy and so much power. I love these cards. So let's pull a card.
Oracle of Visions Cards by Ciro Marchetti
Okay, this is interesting. Okay so in this one, he's like the magician and the magic is illusion tricking you to see what they want you to see. The truth is behind the scene. And then you just see the illusion and then pop and this dove pops out from nowhere. And wow that's amazing right? But it's a magic and it's an illusion. So it's very interesting that you got this card.
The message I'm receiving from this card is that you know the truth. You know what you want to do. There's lots of illusions. The illusion overwhelms you. Yes, I keep feeling so much overwhelming feeling right now. It feels like it can crush you and illusion can happen by fear, other people's opinion, and then the illusion can be created. But set those aside and then trust what you want to do. You know what you want to do. Then the illusion will disappear and then and you'll be fine. You will feel more relaxed.
I'm sorry, it's like if I can feel her tears I think. So anyway, you know what you want to do. Just trust yourself and don't be fooled by illusion. You'll be fine.
Psychic card reading for everyone on the call
Satomi uses her intuitive empath gift to do group psychic readings for everyone attending
Okay I hope it helped. Let's pull for ourselves for today. I love this card.
What's it called? A Merry-go-round… and the horse is breaking free from it.
Oracle of Visions Cards by Ciro Marchetti
We all have a daily routine and we go run around and around every day doing the same thing. It's very important to have a routine of course but sometimes you get lost in a routine right? You lose sight of the whole purpose.
When you're doing things again and again, you can create illusions. By living in a routine, it becomes your comfort zone. And then you will create fear and you cannot get out your comfort zone. It's good to have routine, but once in a while you can have a self-check: I might just stay in the comfort zone or should I go break free? When time is right, we can go break free. Routine is important, but not forever. I think that we can all use this message today.
Thank you for joining me! A wonderful start. I feel cleansed just exchanging and connecting to your energy. I really am doing this session for my benefit and if you guys can have a little bit benefit that's great. Yeah, join us anytime for our Sakaso events. Bye, bye.