Easy Zen meditation for calm, happiness and fulfillment
Meditation can be so simple and something you can do throughout the day without taking time out of your busy schedule. If you want to know how then watch this video.
Easy way to be calm, happy and fulfilled without taking time from your busy schedule
The benefits of meditation like helping you to relax, be calm, improve health, increasing happiness and fulfillment are easy to understand but it’s hard to have the time to do it. A fantastic thing about doing walking meditation is that you can do it any time and any place.
You don’t need to be in a beautiful forest, you can be anywhere. And do this any time. Today we’re in a beautiful forest but everything and everywhere has its own beauty if you feel it come through from under its surface.
And that’s the trick, you don’t use your eyes to see the beauty.
Just looking at things differently without labels, changes our world
“Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack, a crack in everything.
That’s how the light gets in.”
This is all about shifting perspective - simply skip the habit of putting names on everything, skip the habit of labeling, just observe and enjoy it as it is.
Don't go to the next step into interest. That's getting too close to thinking. Just observe without labels or judgement
We might be tempted to say “Oh That’s really pretty”. But be aware, Let go of that label, Just experience and appreciate.
Or if you’re doing this at work or while shopping, you might see a woman walking by. And if she’s wearing something a little different, we be tempted to say “That outfit she’s wearing does not match”
Or you might think “I’m bored.” But again, be aware, keep practicing. Boredom is the mind. Listening to that voice will only keep you in pain. It’s what got us into trouble in the first place. Just experience and appreciate.
Believe me, if you’re shifting your perspective in the way I’ve described, the last thing you could say is that it’s boring!
Practice translates meditation into fulfillment and enjoyment of life
This is all about practice. Just check it out. And then, practice again.
With any meditation, the more you do it, the easier it gets and the more you get out of it. And as you do, you’ll find that more and more of your day becomes a meditation.
Think of it. What if your whole day could be a meditation? Cool right?
What happened when you tried this?
Let us know in the comments below. We’d love to know how you’re doing and if you’re having trouble, reach out and contact us through our website, we’d love to help.
And if you want to know more about how to bring love and happiness into your life then check out our Free ebook (click and scroll down).