Posts tagged online empath
Choosing love not fear heals the world

How can we change the world? How can we save earth? Believe it or not, it’s actually super simple. Choose love not fear.

Everything we do is motivated either by love or by fear. Fear creates anxiety, anger, stress, fighting, blame, exploitation, pollution, separation, and all the negative emotions, negative thoughts, and chaos we see in the world today.

Love creates happiness, calm, inspiration, healing, all the positive emotions, and positive thoughts. It just creates the kind of world we want to live in and pass on to our grandchildren.

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Holistic healing miracles happen

Paul is living proof that miracles happen and people can heal naturally without any medication. His health was declining for years with multiple chronic illnesses and doctors offered no help. He couldn’t even go out in the sun without getting sick. Then it suddenly got much worse. Nearly paralyzed and in agony… He thought that was it. But then we started using a completely natural approach and he started to improve rapidly. Fast forward a few years and Paul is completely healed from: sarcoidosis, severe depression, anxiety, stress, panic attacks, PTSD, crippling IBS, many allergies, fibromyalgia, arthritis, hypothyroidism, and more. He can even go out in the sun without getting sick! And the same approach has helped so many others too :-)

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Quick & Easy Smile Meditation for Beginners

This 2-minute easy guided meditation always makes me feel better, lighter, and happier. It's an ideal meditation for beginners. It combines the magic of simply smiling with the power of meditation. With it we can release negative feelings and increases energy.

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Be fulfilled: Just receive when you give

This is a weird concept we know. But it is also profound. We think that when we give a present, we are the giver. And we think that when we get a present, we are the receiver. Actually, we're mistaken in both cases. Yes, if you want to know why and how this can change your life and create a powerful connection to fulfillment and happiness, then watch this video.

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